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Cetacean Research Grants


Every year, the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Cetacean Society awards scientific research grants to researchers or students studying cetaceans.

The American Cetacean Society, Los Angeles Chapter (ACS-LA) is about to begin open applications for its 2024 Research Grant and Travel Awards

The American Cetacean Society protects cetaceans and their habitats though conservation, education and research. Working with world-class scientists, ACS funds research projects that address some of the most pressing issues facing cetaceans. ACS-LA is pleased to announce the availability of one research grant, in the amount of $3,000.00, to researchers whose study focuses on marine mammals on the west coast of the United States or to researchers & students who are attending an accredited university on the west coast or are affiliated with a west-coast-based research organization that is studying marine mammals anywhere in the world. 

The John Heyning Research Grant Award

John Heyning was a brilliant and prolific scientist. He was Deputy Director of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, where he built a collection of marine mammal specimens second only to Smithsonian and where he curated the Masters of the Ocean Realm exhibit that traveled to 22 countries. He was an authority on beaked whales, published the work that separated common dolphins into two separate species and described the countercurrent heat exchange in whale tongues, among many other accomplishments. John was a strong supporter of ACS and its mission; he served on the organization’s Board of Scientific Advisors and taught the Whalewatch naturalist class for many years

Bill Samaras

The William S. Samaras Research Grant Award

William S. Samaras was a geologist by training but his first love was whales. He taught science at Carson High School for 30 years, helped shape the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium in San Pedro, California into the institution it is today and led the excavation of a gray whale skeleton during the construction of the Harbor Freeway in San Pedro. Bill was a lifelong supporter of ACS, an organization that he served in many capacities.

2024 Grant Submission

Deadline for Grant Submission

April 15, 2024, midnight PDT.

Award Amounts

We will honor both John E. Heyning and Bill Samaras in alternating years with our Research Award of $3,000.



Applicant should be a researcher or a student living and/or attending school in the states that comprise the west coast of the United States: California, Oregon and Washington.


Current research focus should be on Marine Mammals located in or around these 3 west coast states with priority being given to work conducted in Southern California.

Guidelines for Research Grants

Will be awarded to researchers or students exhibiting an outstanding commitment to furthering the understanding of marine mammals on the United States’ west coast. Priority will be given to applicants working or attending school in Southern California and/or conducting their marine mammal research in Southern California.

Requirement For Recipients

Recipients of the awards will be asked to present their research sometime in the next year at ACS-LA’s monthly speaker series.  Please be prepared to present your work, with visuals, to the ACS-LA community.


2024 Research Grant Applications should be submitted by e-mail on or before midnight Pacific DayLight Time (GMT -7) on 15-April-2024. Recipients will be notified of the awardees on or before by 15-May 2024.

Grant Application

Please feel free to contact ACS-LA Grants Chair Christina Tombach Wright with any questions at ACSLA.Grants@gmail.com.
Applications should be sent by E-mail to ACSLA.Grants@gmail.com.

John Heyning Research Grant Winners



Dr. Shirel Kahane-Rapport and

 Dr. Misty Paig-Tran

Granted for their work entitled “Filtration mechanisms and particle retention in rorqual whales”  Shirel is currently a Post-doctoral scholar at California State University, Fullerton under the advisement of Dr. Misty Paig-Tran in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.


Kelly R. Flanders

Using stable isotope analysis to characterize 100 years of spatial and temporal foraging trends in North Pacific orcas (Orcinus orca).


Angela Szesciorka

Long-term passive acoustic recordings track changes in the migration timing of blue whales to southern California feeding grounds.


Dr. Thomas A. Jefferson

Short-and-Long-beaked Common Dolphins of the Eastern North Pacific (Delphinus spp.): Clarifying Their Taxonomic Status.



Angela Szesciorka

Long-term passive acoustic recordings track changes in the migration timing of blue whales to southern California feeding grounds.

William S. Samaras Research Grant Award Winners


Lauren Fritz

Granted for her work entitled “Assessing the impacts of anthropogenic disturbance on humpback whales using noninvasive unmanned aerial systems”. Lauren is currently an NSF (National Science Foundation) GRFP (Graduate Research Fellowships Program) Fellow and a Ph.D. student in Ocean Sciences at the University of California Santa Cruz under the advisement of Dr. Ari Friedlaender in the Bio-Telemetry and Behavioral Lab.  



Maria Fernanda Urrutia Osorio

Does San Luis Gonzaga Bay (Baja California, Mexico) represent a spring feeding ground for fin whales in the Gulf of California?




Caitlyn Birch

The effects of climate change on the tuna-dolphin association.



Dr. Thomas A. Jefferson

Short-and-Long-beaked Common Dolphins of the Eastern North Pacific (Delphinus spp.): Clarifying Their Taxonomic Status



Valentina Melica

Determining biomarkers for reproduction and stress response in blue whales (Balaenopetera musculus) from the North Pacific Ocean.


Additional Past Award Winners

Bill Samaras

The Corine Sutherland Memorial Research Grant (for gray whale research) Award

This was a one-time award in the amount of $1,000 given in 2022 in honor of ACS-LA Census volunteer Corine Sutherland. Corine Ann Sutherland, part-time Philosophy professor at community colleges such as Cerritos College and Long Beach City College, was also a dedicated Citizen Scientist.  She volunteered with our ACS-LA Gray Whale Census and Behavior Project between 1987-2020, contributing 2,670 effort hours on 805 days – often anchoring Census crossover shifts on Fridays and Saturdays.  She usually brought a beloved stuffed animal mascot (most often Bobo the Chimp), and asked everyone to kiss or fist-bump it for good luck.  Corine loved all animals – especially whales – and often alerted others to what she was watching elsewhere.  Her team members described her as being a friendly, efficient anchor who was genuinely interested in others and often did thoughtful things for them.  She was very funny and delightfully quirky: she loved wearing a variety of hats, and loved to make people smile.  She believed that there was “so much in the world to love and cherish.”  She lost her hard-fought battle with cancer in October 2021. Corine was a big supporter of ACS and its mission: “…to protect whales, dolphins, porpoises, and their habitats through public education, research grants, and conservation actions.”

The Corine Sutherland Memorial Research Grant (for gray whale research) was awarded to Fernanda Urrutia Osorio for her work entitled “Application of drones to document the impact of whale-watching boats on the behavior of gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) in a nursing lagoon of Baja California.  We feel this research completely imbibes the spirit of Corine and are very pleased to give this award.  Fernanda is a Doctoral student in Marine Biology at Scripps Institute of Oceanography under the advisement of Eric Archer from NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center.