Cetacean Photo Contest
We’d like to announce the winners of our 2023 photo contest!

Curious gray whale is our winner!!!
Our winning photo was taken by James Dorsey in San Ignacio Lagoon in February of 2018. For those of us who have been to the lagoons, we know what a special moment this was! The gray whale approaches the panga, curious to see what’s going on, and is greeted by a small boat of excited whale watchers who want nothing more than to experience that special moment of being right next to one of the world’s largest animals! It is an incredible moment indeed! The clarity and perspective of this photo lend a special sentiment to a wonderful experience and a very special photo. Incredible photo James! Congratulations on winning the 2023 ACS-LA photo contest!
Gray whale with panga is our runner up!
Our runner up photo was taken by Nancy Rhodes from the Oregon Chapter of ACS. This photo was also taken in the San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja on a trip she took with the Marine Mammal Institute. Symbolic of how far we have come since the whaling era, this picture represents the peace between man and marine mammal that we strive for in our efforts to conserve our cetaceans and their habitats. Great photo Nancy!

Honorable Mentions

This photo was taken by Joseph Emerling on 04/30/2022 off the coast of Big Sur, California aboard Sea Wolf II out of Monterey Bay. Here you see a transient orca porpoising in stormy California waters. They are only occasional visitors which makes this capture even more special. Great photo Joseph, thank you for the submission!

We want to thank everyone for their wonderful submissions! Your passion for cetaceans is an integral part of our mission to protect and conserve cetaceans and their habitats. With this contest, we honor you. – ACS-LA