(424) 266-0516 ...... EIN # 95-2512764 acs.lachapter@gmail.com

Protecting cetaceans and their habitats

through public education, research grants, and conservation actions

Protecting cetaceans and their habitats

through public education, research grants, and conservation actions

Learn About Whales

Cabrillo Whalewatch

In partnership with Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, ACS-LA trains docents to educate the public about whales, dolphins, and other sea creatures.

Gray Whale Census & Behavior Project

Trained volunteers spot and track cetaceans, focusing on Pacific gray whales on their annual migration, recording counts and behaviors.


gray whale breach

Count Whales

Delph Dolfin

Your donation provides funds for research………..

Research Grants

Travel Grants

Supporting cetacean research through scientific and travel grants for over 20 years.

Humpback Whale

Study Whales

Gray Whale Census

This full season shore-based gray whale census has operated on the Palos Verdes Peninsula since 1984. Trained volunteers spot and track Pacific gray whales on their annual migration, recording counts and behaviors. They also identify and record other marine mammals seen. This project runs during daylight hours, from December 1st through late May, on the patio of the Point Vicente Interpretive Center.

Happening Now

Gray Whale Census update March 2024

Gray Whale Census update March 2024

Gray Whale Census morning crew M'Liz Callender, Petrina Long, Joanne Kajiyama, and Caroline DeGraaf, 2024 February 29, Point Vicente Interpretie Center, by Alisa Schulman-Janiger.  Southbound gray whale mom and calf, photographed from our Census station at the Point...

Gray Whale & Calf


3 Killer Whales
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During the past 30 years, more than two million children and thousands of adults have enjoyed whale watching trips sponsored by ACS.